Monday, March 30, 2009

Quiet American

Whether it be for a professional attempt at art or an amateur preservation of memories, it is not uncommon to find the commitment of our memories and imagination to the spatio-visual snare of photography. Neglected has been the capture of strictly audio (beyond musical intentions). I find it interesting to shift the hegemonic means by which we have come to document places and times. Experimentation with field recordings as an art and documentation ought not supplant photo or video, but stand alongside as a deservedly appreciated medium. Quiet American is a website featuring field recordings taken to document the evocative aural textures experienced in one's travels, both foreign and domestic - as near or far as they may be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mind if I give your blog a little shout out? I just added it to the blogroll and I wanted to let people know about it...

Up to you, let me know.