Friday, March 13, 2009

I Eye Aye - Rahsaan Roland Kirk live in Montreux (1972)

A statement with which I wholeheartedly agree appearing at the end of this film reads: "He had no precedent or competition. Since his death in 1977, no one has come along to claim his mantle. It should be safe until the end of time. - jd"

Even if you're not one much for jazz, it is difficult not to recognize that Columbus's own Rahsaan Roland Kirk was not only a talented musician, but gifted in the musical innovations he devised to humbly "just recreate the sounds in [his] head." This footage captures him in his inimitable style as not only a multi-instrumentalist, but a mulit-simultaneous instrumentalist. Often playing upward of three saxophones at a time or harmonizing the flute along with a recorder played with his nose, I hope everyone can appreciate one of the oft forgotten greats of music. Also noteworthy of his career are his experimentations with electronic noise music in the 1950s, which he abandoned so as to not be subject to the whims of the electric companies. Highlights in the film aside from his regular bag of tricks include him dishing out bumps of cocaine to the audience and later wandering into the crowd (he was blind) whilst sustaining a single note through circular breathing. Anyhow, enjoy.

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