Friday, November 14, 2008


In this TED talk from A. Garrett Lisi, he describes a unique new unified field theory. He barely scratches the surface and appeals to no formulae whatever, nonetheless, a great deal of his talk is completely incomprehensible to the layperson of no familiarity with quantum physics. In spite of this, it is clear that his theory is one of profound eloquence in that it is grounded in pure geometry. The graphic representation of his model suffices to explain how Lisi intends to unify quantum field theory and general relativity through differential geometry. The points and charges of all elementary particles fully realized as well as those posited by his theory work within the framework of E8 symmetries (figure shown below). All of the interactions between known particles and their charges have fit into Lisi's model of a single field through the four dimensions of spacetime. The use of E8 symmetry leads him to posit 22 new bosonic particles.

In the 1960s, Murray Gell-Mann's model for the quark was based in mathematical symmetries of group theory and may be a precedent giving credence to this contemporary venture. The Large Hadron Collider is to resume operations in the Spring, (after a hiatus to fix a Helium II leak) upon which hopefully some of this will come to light, beginning with the Higgs boson.

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